Red Bank Veterinary Hospital - Tinton Falls

Avian & Exotics
The Avian & Exotics Department at Red Bank Veterinary Hospital provides primary, referral, and emergency services for many exotic pet species. Our staff members are specially trained in caring for exotic pets and responding to their individual requirements.
Pets That We See:
All birds
All rodents: Rats, Mice, Gerbils, Degu, Hamsters, Guinea pigs, Chinchillas, Prairie dogs, Flying squirrels
All reptiles (except venomous snakes): Snakes, Lizards, Turtles, Tortoises
All amphibians: Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, Newts, Caecilians
Sugar gliders
Small exotic felids (servals, lynx, bobcats)
Pot-Bellied Pigs
Services Available:
Wellness Exams
Preventative Medicine
Grooming for Exotic Pets
Advanced Exotic Pet Diagnostic
Medical Therapy Options for your Exotic Pets
Surgery for Exotic Pets
Behavioral Modification
Avian Diet Conversion: Should My Bird Eat Seeds?
Medical Boarding for Exotic Pets
Health Certificates for Exotic Pet Travel
Exotic Pet Emergencies
Most avian and exotic pets are prey species and do not show clinical signs of illness until they are very sick. If you are concerned that your exotic pet needs emergency care, it is often best to have the pet evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible.
What symptoms are considered an emergency?
Anorexia >12 hours in small mammals or >24 hours in birds
Persistent diarrhea or blood in the droppings
Straining to urinate, defecate, or pass an egg
Lethargy or weakness
Unresponsive or inappropriate mental state
Trauma including bite wounds, self-mutilation, or fractured bones
Active bleeding or recent blood loss
Prolapsed tissues
Toxin exposure (topical or ingestion)
Respiratory distress
Bloated abdomen